Overview of Online Colleges in North Carolina
Many of North Carolina's most prestigious private and public schools now provide distance learning degrees. This state's extensive list of online programs are unsurpassed in comparison to other states, as many online degrees mirror in-classroom curriculums and are taught by the same professors.
From 2004 to 2014, tuition costs at two-year public schools increased 65%, while tuition at four-year schools rose 67%. This is partially due to the nearly 25% decrease in the state's educational budget. Overall, enrollment in North Carolina public institutions experienced a 29% increase between 2002 and 2012. Enrollment at public two year schools increased 26.6% between 2005 and 2010, surpassing the national increase of 16.9% during the same time. North Carolina four-year public colleges had an overall 53.2% graduation rate in 2012, down slightly from the national average of 59%.
Consult our extensive database of North Carolina's best online degree programs below. You'll also find information on scholarship opportunities and nonprofits that help students find resources for financing education expenses.